I have been working on these for a few Saturday's now. They were fun and easy to do. What a great way to reuse those used cans and bottles you have laying around. I started by hot gluing the jute to the bottle to get it started. Then I used elmers glue and coated the bottle a bit at a time and just started wrapping the jute around and around the bottle. It takes quite a little jute per bottle but I think totally worth it.
Use them as vases, makeup brush holder, pencil holder. Just to name a few.
These little jute flowers are a no sew flower.
Cut a strip of burlap about 2.5" wide and 12-14" long.
Hot glue one of the short ends over itself, as if you are making a hem.
At the other short end grab one of the strings and pull, this will start to gather the piece together.
When you have it gathered pretty tight it will naturally make the shape of a flower. Hot glue the ends.
I put a little gem in the middle to finish it.
My little coffee filter flowers are made by cutting a dyed coffee filter like I did in the photo below.
Then I started folding the strip accordian style and made a flower shape. I finished them off with some buttons I had from my mother.
All in all I am quite happy with how they all turned out.
Oh and the little tags hanging on them are for when Angie and I go to the Woodbine Applefest. We are getting pretty excited for that. the Applefest is held on the last Saturday in Sept. Should be a lot of fun.
We decided with all the Crafty Saturday projects we have been doing why not take them on the road. So if you like what we are doing come visit us at the Applefest and if you like, purchase something or just come say HI!
Oh Crafty Saturday how I love thee!!