Wine Bottle Vase and Wine Bottle Windchime or Votive holder

Ok I love wine and wine bottle crafts! So this week I did both, well I usually have a glass or two of wine while I craft, its relaxing.

 I really like repurposing things and I have a couple really cute ideas. The one on the left, my vase. The one on the right my soon to be wind chime or votive holder.

The first one I did was a wine bottle turned vase. Super simple and fun to do.
I cut tissue paper into small pieces and then with my trusty modpodge started glueing the pieces on the bottle.

I found it easier to work in small blocks on the bottle by painting modpodge on then sticking the tissue pieces on very randomly.
When the bottle was completely covered I used glossy modpodge and painted over the entire bottle, let it dry and do another coat.

And there you have it, a nice new vase for the flowers from your garden which I can't wait for because I am so over this thing called winter. But until then I will put a few of those coffee filter flowers from a previous post, (have I said how much I like the coffee filter flowers) in it so I can enjoy my new vase.

My other project, a wine bottle windchime or votive candleholder was done the same way with the tissue paper. The only difference was is that I used my bottle cutter and cut the bottom of the bottle off.

The votive holder- I used a common kitchen utensil, a whisk, to go up through the bottle and put a votive candle in it. Super cute and easy.

The windchime- a little more challenging.
You will need a wine cork, two lengths of chain, a clanger (as I call it),to make the chime and a piece to hang on the bottom to catch the wind.

What I used here was quite interesting. When I cut bottles not all cut straight, I call it being amateur. Anyway I took those bad bottles and turned them into something useful. I put the bottles in a bag and broke them into small pieces. Found the pieces I wanted to use and drilled holes in them with a diamond drill bit.
Assembly was easy...chain, eye screw, wine cork, another eye screw, more chain, my broken piece of glass, another bit of chain, and finally another broken piece of glass.

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